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Grimstone Manor

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The following I mention is a real haunted house


Out in Lancaster PA where Route 56 meets Route 27A is a real haunted house. It was built in the 1800s by Jasper Grimstone that fell in love with a beautiful girl. Madame Leota loved Jasper Grimstone, but Jasper Grimstone loved his wife more. Madame Leota cursed the Grimstones and their family but they didn't die right away, there were a lot of things that happened.
and ever since the day of The Grimstone's guresome deaths there was a curse on the house and few have refused to enter. Oh, sure there were some that didn't belive in haunted houses, but let's say they didn't stay too long.
For years nobody bought the house. Then a local entertainment company decieded to put the house to better use as a Halloween haunted house. every year since 1991, the house plays host to many people who come every year to see a real haunted house.
The house is very mysterious. It was built on the site of a old monestary and served as a pirates' hangout and a military base. Some said they saw the ghosts of either a little girl or a monk. Vistors had often complained on strange noises and strange breezes

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